Follow-On Massage

I offer a weekly follow-on class for Mums who want to continue with the routine of coming to my baby massage classes

Massage time

During the 5-week baby massage course, you are taught how to massage your baby following the IAIM programme. Once the course finishes there is the option of further weekly follow-on baby massage classes. These classes include a structured massage routine for the smaller babies, but once they get old older and more fidgety the session involves singing nursery rhymes whilst doing prescribed massage strokes for each song lyric. These strokes can be done on the babies whilst they are sitting, lying on their tummy or on their back so can accommodate the more wriggly babies!

Nursery Rhyme & Massage

When the babies get older they get more wriggly as they learn to roll over, crawl and sit up on their own, and they want to put everything in their mouths! There are always lots of toys available for the toys to hold, put in their mouth and fiddle with in the classes and at this point we start to introduce singing nursery rhymes whilst doing set massage strokes to the song lyrics. This can be done whilst the babies are sat up, lying on their back or lying on their tummy.

Mummy time

As a continuation from the baby massage course, the weekly follow-on baby massage classes are an opportunity to continue your routine, catch up with all the friends you have made on the baby massage course (and also make new friends), whilst also enjoying time massaging your baby.

"Over the course of many months myself and Marty have been attending Natalie's follow-on classes. They have been so engaging for both of us with Marty having a play with the toys and me having wholesome chats with the other mums and Natalie. The massage nursery rhymes were a lot of fun and enjoyable for both us too. I am so sad that my maternity leave is over and won't manage the class anymore but I will always treasure my times that I have spent in Natalie's love home with great company. Thank you for the best memories"

- Hannah & baby Marty

"I feel so grateful for the space you provided me and the other girls for the whole of our maternity leave - it really was a highlight and one of the only times I felt relaxed in the early days when Zoe was tiny. You've really got something special going!"

- Rachel & baby Zoe

Here's what our mums say: