IAIM Baby Massage course

I am a qualified baby massage instructor with the International Association of Infant Massage (IAIM) and host 5-week baby massage courses which follow the IAIM programme.

5-Week IAIM Baby Massage Course

The IAIM baby massage courses offer a wonderful opportunity for you to learn how to communicate with your baby through nurturing touch and massage in a relaxed and welcoming environment.

On an IAIM baby massage course you will learn:

  • Massage strokes

  • A short colic routine

  • Gentle movements and touch relaxation

  • How to identify the best time for massage

  • What massage oils to use

  • How to adapt your strokes for the needs of a growing child

  • Plus all the wonderful benefits of baby massage

The Classes

You can expect a luxurious boutique style experience when you come to a Precious Time baby massage class. The classes are tailored to be a premium experience for parents from the moment they walk through the front door to the moment when they say good bye.

The classes are baby-led so it does not matter if your baby needs feeding, their nappy changing, arrive asleep or simply want cuddling during the class, you can still learn how to massage your baby even if you don’t manage to do any massage on them! Each week I go over the previous week's massage strokes too so you won’t miss out.

The classes are structured so there is plenty of opportunity to have chats and conversations about a variety of topics:

  • the birthing experiences

  • alternative therapies such as cranial osteopathy

  • favourite and highly recommended baby products

  • returning to work after maternity leave and childcare arrangements

  • advice received, both the good and the unwelcome!

  • feeding (both bottle and breast)

We discuss all things parenthood and you can enjoy a tasty home bake too!

Maternal Wellbeing

I believe baby massage classes should be a priority for new mums. In today's demanding world, mums often experience excessive pressure and isolation, leading to a rise in post-natal issues. The IAIM programme I teach empowers mums to understand their baby's cues, boosting self-esteem and confidence and resulting in happier and more relaxed babies and parents alike.

In group settings, mums can find solace in the company of others, offering mutual reassurance and valuable companionship.

Plus a delicious home bake always makes you feel better on the worst of mornings!

Book a 5-Week IAIM Baby Massage Course: