Frequently Asked Questions

How old does my baby need to be to come along to the baby massage course?

Generally, infant massage is suitable from birth but most parents start to attend classes from when their baby is around 4-12 weeks old. Before this, although babies love nurturing touch, being in a class can be overwhelming for both the babies and the parents.

Do I need to have attended the 5-week baby massage course to book a follow-on massage class?

The Follow-On baby massage classes are only available to those who have attended the 5-week IAIM baby massage course, delivered by This Is Precious Time.

What's included in the 5-week IAIM baby massage course?

  • 90-minutes of relaxation and calm in a boutique-style setting where you will get to chat to other mums and learn how to massage your baby.

  • A complimentary 50ml bottle of organic coconut massage oil, that you can use at home after the classes.

  • A tasty home bake during the interval.

  • A folder to keep all of your weekly handouts in (the handouts show you what strokes you have been taught in class that week).

  • Lots of time to chat and discuss all things parenthood.

  • Opportunity to make friends​ with other parents.

  • An end-of-course certificate with your baby's footprint stamped on.

  • The option to join a group WhatsApp to build a community with other parents.

What's included in the Follow-On baby massage classes?

  • An hour long session with 30 minutes dedicated to baby massage. Your instructor, Natalie, will lead you through a full body massage on your baby using strokes that you have learnt on the 5-week baby massage course.

  • Complimentary organic coconut massage oil will be available for use during the session (or you are welcome to bring your own from your time on the baby massage course).

  • After the baby massage session you can enjoy a tasty home bake whilst chatting with the other parents.

  • Opportunity to make friends​ with other parents.

Can both parents or another relative or friend come to the classes too?

Owing to the constraints of the room size only one adult per child is permitted to the class (exceptions made for twins / triplets!).

However, unlike with the baby massage course where it is recommended that only the baby's parent or guardian undertake the course, with the follow-on baby massage sessions any caregiver can come, for example, the baby's Auntie or Granny can bring them.

Do you have a Cancellation Policy?

Once you have booked onto the 5-week IAIM baby massage course and have secured your place I am unable to offer a refund. Regrettably, I cannot offer refunds or discounts due to sickness or holidays as my costs remain the same. However, should you not be able to attend an individual class, I will try my best to offer you an alternative available session. Full details can be found in my Terms and Conditions.

Once you have booked onto a Follow-On baby massage class and have secured your place I am unable to offer a refund. However the Follow-On baby massage classes will only be run with a minimum of 3 participants. If there are not enough people signed up to the class I will let you know with 48 hours notice and offer you either a full refund or an alternative session. Full details can be found in my Terms and Conditions.

What if me or my baby are unwell?

If your baby is unwell, it is best not to massage your baby, for example if they have sickness and diarrhea. Also, we want to keep other babies and parents safe so we ask that you stay at home and seek medical advice. If your baby has a chronic condition, please consult your GP first before enrolling on our massage courses or classes.

If your baby cries during massage, do not worry, there are many reasons why a baby cries and we discuss this topic during one of the baby massage course sessions. Your baby crying does not mean that you are doing anything wrong, they may just have a need that you need to tend to such as a nappy change or a feed and then later on they will join in with the massage. Remember, their cries are their way of communicating with you!